New Age Entrepreneur

New Age Entrepreneur: Maya Huyana Interview

Maya Huyana is from the Inland Empire of Southern California and is currently attending college full-time, pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Business with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship. She is a writer, an entrepreneur, and a model. She expresses her creativity through certain mediums and applies her business acumen towards entrepreneurial endeavors. Do not be surprised when you see “Marketing by Maya” on a billboard near you.
I like the fact that you use different mediums to express yourself. Where was that creativity born?
I can't really recall, I think that I have always been creative. My earliest memories are writing storybooks as a kid, singing and dancing as a toddler in front of the TV screen. I only knew one channel on the remote control, and that was MTV. When I got old enough to learn letters and write, that's all I did, and growing up with my nana, she introduced me to every genre of music. So I guess that the creativity was born from the moment I was born.
I appreciate the honesty in your WordPress as well as the originality. What place does that sense of comfortableness & vulnerability come from?
Thank you. I don't think that someone can be an artist without being vulnerable. It's a scary paradox, because being vulnerable means you must put yourself out there in fear of rejection, but to be a good artist, you must be vulnerable. I am very nervous, very doubtful of myself at times, but when I write, it just flows. You have to be transparent, and you have to be willing to show the ugly sides of yourself. Often times it really isn't comfortable, but it comes with the territory. What is art without vulnerability, or being taken out of your comfort zone sometimes, you know?
One of my favorite blog posts of yours is "Talkin' Bout My Generation." It's a good look at our generation, the perception of it. Why did you decide to write that piece?
I wrote that piece because I feel as though our generation has many fucked up aspects about it; however, I have such pride in it! It's a very weird thing, to be a 90's baby. We are the teetering point, because our generation grew up with the technology; however we're the last part of the old school. We're that border-line generation. The new generation. There is no other generation like us, because those before didn't have the things that we have, and the kids after us ONLY KNOW technology. Although the 90’s babies, or "Millennials" as they call us, seemingly have many character flaws or whatever other problems, we are still a dope ass generation, and the only one of its kind. 
In what ways has your experience in marketing influenced the other aspects of your life?
Marketing requires a lot of research, so I think that has caused me to be a better student, as well as more knowledgeable in general. In order to market something, you have to essentially become an expert over-night. It's an interesting process and really very insightful, especially when you have a client in a business that you know absolutely nothing about. 
As far as my life, creating a marketing start-up is one of the most humbling experiences ever. The marketing has affected my life in a plethora of ways, from my social life to my school-work. It's tough, and it requires so much more self-discipline than I thought. Juggling the entrepreneurship with school is hard to do, but I love it. Some days you are so low, but just when you're ready to give up, your business has accomplished something great. Overall, it's made me stronger and hungrier.
Do you think your expertise with marketing/business gives you an advantage?
I believe that the background in business and marketing gives me an advantage in many ways, because combined with creativity there are so many opportunities that can be earned or created. Sometimes I get discouraged, because it feels like college slowing me down as an artist. Attending school full-time leaves little time to dedicate to creative growth, and little time to dedicate to MY business. But, I know that this knowledge will help me in the long run, and help me to protect myself as well. In the grand scheme I know that it will pay off.
Can you talk about the NAWBO Inland Empire Women's Education 2013 Scholarship Award you received?
The scholarship was actually a completely random blessing from the universe, and I found out about it and applied last minute. The category was outstanding college students in the entrepreneurship field, and I received 3rd place. NAWBO is an amazing organization, and the banquet was beautiful. Being in a room full of successful, self-made women was so inspiring, not to mention that many of the women were minorities. 
How did you start out as a model?
I wanted to model as a young girl, and took classes my freshman year in high school. My high school actually had a wonderful modeling course that taught us the basics of modeling, as well as the business side. From there I did a few local events, and since then I've been doing freelance. 
Tell me about your tumblr, Psychedelic Breakfast?
My Tumblr is mostly images and quotes, whereas the Wordpress is solely words. I like to keep the posts simple on Tumblr, and I try to post original content. Most people on Tumblr prefer images, so I try to keep it consistent with that audience. The Wordpress is used for entries, poetry, and other types of articles.
So, you’re known as the Black Kate Upton?
That's a self-coined label; she's so fierce and has a great look to her, and I think our styles are similar. One day a friend said that I reminded him of her, and I thought that was pretty cool. Thus I came up with it as a little tag
Is it safe to say your favorite animal is the elephant? 
Yes!!! I love elephants!! That's my spirit animal. They're so beautiful and graceful.

Where can people reach you at?
Facebook Page: Maya Huyana
Twitter: @MayaHuyanaArt
Instagram: @mayahuyana



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